
Mike Love Didn’t Fire Brian Wilson, Says Mike Love

Musicians Brian Wilson, Al Jardine, Mike Love,and David Marks perform during the Beach Boys 50th Anniversary Concert Tour
Photo: Mike Moore/Getty Images

Lead singer and recent Beach Boy villain Mike Love wrote a long, defensive letter in the Los Angeles Times explaining his side of the band’s latest breakup, and his argument is basically “it’s the contract’s fault.” Brian Wilson, Al Jardine, and the gang had agreed to a specific number of 50th-anniversary reunion shows; Love’s b-side Beach Boys lineup was scheduled for a set of different tour dates; and “[it] is not feasible, both logistically and economically, for the 50th anniversary tour to play these markets.” So, it was less of a “firing” and more of an “I choose not to invite you back even though you still want to be in the band and you wrote all the good songs.” Okay, then!

Mike Love Didn’t Fire Anyone, Says Mike Love