The Farm, NBC’s attempt to craft a spinoff of The Office starring Rainn Wilson, appears to be dead. So says Wilson himself, who tweeted out the following Monday afternoon: “NBC has passed on moving forward with The Farm TV show. Had a blast making the pilot - onwards & upwards!” It’s still possible we might see how Farm executive producer Paul Lieberstein planned on transitioning Dwight out of his cubicle, however. That’s because, as of earlier this year, NBC’s plan was to film the spinoff as an episode of The Office. It’s possible NBC (and current Office showrunner Greg Daniels) might have opted against that scenario; we’ve got messages into both NBC and Liebertstein and will update you when we get word. For these keeping score at home, though, 30 Rock and The Office are in their final seasons, Up All Night as we’ve known it is dead but returning with a laugh track, and now there’s no Office spin-off. That has to be good news for Parks and Recreation, right? RIGHT?! UPDATE: NBC still isn’t commenting, but a good source tells us that The Farm is, indeed, dead; it will also air later this season as part of The Office.