It’s Sunday afternoon — your last chance to read all that stuff you meant to read last week before Monday brings a new deluge of things you will want to read. Below, some of our recommendations:
“Factory Girls” by John Seabrook (The New Yorker): This is how your K-pop gets made.
“Will & Grace changed nothing” by Christopher Kelly (Salon): TV’s use of gay characters hasn’t evolved as much as Modern Family’s producers would like you to think.
“The Solitude of Invention” by Stacy Kors (Columbia Magazine): Author Paul Auster opens up about his life and work.
“John Cale” by Mark Richardson (Pitchfork): The founding member of the Velvet Underground talks about his favorite albums, from Vivaldi to Snoop Dogg.
“Jay McInerney, the New York Fantasy, and Wine” by Tom Dibblee (The Los Angeles Review of Books): A chronicle of one writer’s complicated relationship with Jay McInerney.
For more in-depth weekend readings, visit our friends at Longreads.