The Complete Guide To Everything: The 2012 Presidential Election

Hey, let’s get down to business here. Week after week, Tim and Tom spend an hour talking about a bunch of nonsense that, frankly, isn’t all that important. Well, all that is going to change this week. Finally, we sit down and talk about something of substance: the 2012 Presidential Election, the most important election of any of our lives.

Of course, before getting into the issues, we talk about Tim’s new health kick. Oh, and Tom getting slapped in the face on a subway. And also we talk a bit about a very interesting new costume he spent a lot of money on for Halloween this year. And then real quick we talk about DNA testing.

But then, finally, we talk about the important issues of our day. Well, first we do another installment of the hot new segment Fifty Shades of Tim, in which things start getting pretty sleazy. After that, though, it’s time for a brutally honest political conversation. Just as soon as Tim explains his idea for an explosive ending to our NYC live show on November 16th.

So, listen to this episode for a frank discussion of the important issues of the day and then get out and vote!

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The Complete Guide To Everything: The 2012 […]