Tina Fey and Amy Poehler hosting the Golden Globes together is just about the best thing ever. But now that we’ve settled into that idea a little bit, it seems like we’re not setting our sights high enough. If they can host the Golden Globes and (one assumes) wrest that ceremony from the icy clutches of mediocrity, what else might they be able to save? What else should they be running? Here are seventeen other things we’d feel more optimistic about if Tina Fey and Amy Poehler were in charge of them in some capacity:
- The Super Bowl halftime show (though they’d obviously keep Beyoncé)
- Any remaining Hobbit-franchise developments
- All college commencement speeches
- The finale of Gossip Girl
- The presidential debates
- Haircut trends
- Any ballet recital on a regional level or lower
- Lindsay Lohan’s life
- The Voice
- Google Chrome
- “Reunion” tours
- Prairie Home Companion
- NHL lockout negotiations
- New flavors of gum
- The war on drugs
- Programming decisions on TLC
This is but a preliminary overview.