Jennifer Lawrence has quickly emerged as one of Hollywood’s most charming, unaffected personalities. (Remember when she asked Woody Harrelson if he had a sex swing?) Yesterday’s New York Times profile only helped embolden her reputation. From it, we learned:
1. She buys Rob Schneider movies from Walmart: “I like making movies, but that doesn’t mean I want to watch a black-and-white, freaking boring [expletive deleted] silent movie.”
2. What her family was like before seeing the interactive play Sleep No More: “The whole time we were like orgy, orgy, who’s going to see the orgy, what are we going to do in the event of an orgy, we need to break up so we can be assured that one of us gets to see the orgy.”
3. How she dances: “When I dance, I look like I’m a dad at a prom.”
4. She currently leases a Volkswagen.
5. She has bite mark on her hand from Woody Harrelson: “He actually didn’t bite me; I ran into his teeth.”
6. What to say to her at a bar: “I don’t get annoyed when the guy at the bar says, ‘May the odds be ever in your favor.’”
7. She’s never had an acting teacher: “That’s how I can go about life free as an idiot: because I have no idea what I’m doing.”
8. She didn’t love being an Oscar nominee at first: “It was so much, so fast. I was like: I just want to feel like it happened. I feel like I’m busy. I feel like I’m tired, and tired of talking about myself, which is very odd. It’s such a PMS type of feeling, when something is so good that you’re sad that you can’t fully take it in and enjoy it.” But then she got swag like M&M’s with her photo on them: “That literally was probably the coolest thing that I saw. I was like: ‘You know what? It’s all worth it’ after I saw those M&M’s.”