Rainn Wilson Follows Angus T. Jones’s Lead, Calls ‘The Office’ ‘Filth’

Two and a Half Men’s half man Angus T. Jones made headlines this week when he encouraged fans to stop watching Two and a Half Men and called the show “filth” in a testimonial for some weird religious cult. You’d think the Angus T. Jones controversy would be a cautionary tale for the stars of other network sitcoms and would make them be more careful about what they say, but that’s apparently not the case. The Office’s Rainn Wilson released this video via his Facebook yesterday afternoon, in which he also calls his show filth and tells people not to watch it, Thursday nights at 9 on NBC. Get ready to have to apologize for these statements just like that Two and a Half Men kid, Rainn Wilson!

Rainn Wilson Follows Angus T. Jones’s Lead, Calls ‘The […]