It’s Sunday afternoon, and you have our permission to read about something that isn’t Hurricane Sandy or Election 2012 — at least for an hour or so. Below, some of our recommendations:
“Slash and Burn” by Amanda Hess (Tomorrow): Why do straight women write gay fan fiction about boy bands? It’s fun, for one thing.
“This Movie Is Rated Wu” by Alex Pappademas (GQ): Now that he’s completed his Russell Crowe-starring kung-fu movie, The Man with the Iron Fists, our second favorite Wu-Tanger (RIP ODB) is on his way to becoming “an important dude” in Hollywood.
“Maurice Sendak” by Emma Brockes (The Believer): A newly published interview with the late children’s book author, who “refused to cater to the bullshit of innocence.”
“A Chat With Ted Leo About ‘The Weird Small Business’ Of Indie Music” by John Lingan (The Awl): Much like Grizzly Bear, Ted Leo is a very well-established indie act whose budget has compelled him to record his next album at home. He also does comedy.
“Lily Tomlin on Robert Altman and knowing Tom Waits on a soul level” by Will Harris (A.V. Club): The actress and comedian talks about some of her classic roles.
For more in-depth weekend readings, visit our friends at Longreads.