Steven Spielberg might know his way around a movie, but when it comes to TV, we’re not so sure. Spielberg is an executive producer for Smash, a show that can charitably be described as having an uneven first season (less charitably described: achmata-swathed fiasco), but he apparently wanted to get rid of the show’s most solidly reliable bright spot, Megan Hilty. According to an unnamed source in a behind-the-scenes smackdown, Spielberg “loved the Ellis character,” and yet is somehow not an Ivy fan. “[His] big push was to recast Megan Hilty,” a different source tells BuzzFeed. “There was so much discussion about Megan Hilty that Ellis just got on the show.” Insanity! Ellis is the worst; Megan Hilty is great. Steven Spielberg, what is the matter with you?