Word’s out that Kristen Wiig and Seth Rogen filmed a little somethin’ for the upcoming season of Arrested Development, premiering on Netflix in May. But who will the Bridesmaids star be playing? Stop reading now if you don’t want to be spoiled, but it’s a good one … Vulture has learned exclusively that Wiig will be playing young Lucille Bluth (Jessica Walter)! Makes sense: Wiig and Jason Bateman are presumably pals after having co-starred in the comedies Extract and Paul (in which they spent their down time inventing the rule-less game “Stop, Stop the Robber’s Coming”).
Let’s go ahead and imagine the possibilities: Lucille during her Stuckey’s waitressing days! Facing off against young Lucille Austero! Performing the uncomfortable wink for the first time! In any case, Wiig’s already got a leg up on playing rich lady winos: