With his LACMA Live Read series, Jason Reitman definitely knows A-B-C: A-Always, B-Be, C-Casting unexpected actors for roles. There was last year’s all-black reading of Reservoir Dogs and now the upcoming all-female reading of the hypermasculine Glengarry Glenn Ross. The cast is as follows: Robin Wright as Al Pacino’s Ricky Roma character, Catherine O’Hara as Jack Lemmon’s Shelley Levene, Maria Bello as Ed Harris’s Dave Moss, Mae Whitman as Kevin Spacey’s John Williamson, and Allison Janney will read Alan Arkin’s George Aaronow, which is a particularly inspired choice. (Alec Baldwin’s character has not been cast yet.) The February 21 event is sold out, but there’s always a wait-list line. (It’s supposed to be in the 80s today in L.A., so just go wait outside now.)