A Photographic History of Rooney Mara’s Weird Red-Carpet Hand Clasping
Most starlets strike the same pose: hand on hip, shoulders back, one leg slightly behind the other. It’s the standard for a reason — it’s flattering, and it takes some of the inherent artificiality out of the whole red-carpet hoopla. But Rooney Mara has a different go-to pose. Hers seems to emphasize frailty, with her hands delicately clasped in front of her, holding one or two fingers and sort of awkwardly hanging a little below her waist. There’s nothing wrong with it, but it is distinctive. In fact, she’s been doing it for as long as she’s been walking red carpets, even before The Social Network and The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. Journey back with us for a history of Rooney Mara’s Weird Red-Carpet Hand Clasping.

That funky thumb ring gets prominent placement.
Photo: Sean Gallup/2013 Getty Images
Photo: Dave Kotinsky/2013 Getty Images
The hand pose, ultra-glam version.
More delicate thumb rings.
Photo: ? Walter McBride / WM Photograph/? Walter McBride / WM Photography Ltd.
Maybe the pinky ring does not fit.
Photo: Veronica Summers / Splash News/???? www.splashnews.com
Photo: Splash News/???? www.splashnews.com
At its most awkward.
Photo: Suntzulynn for LE / Splash News/???? www.splashnews.com
Vaguely balletic.
Photo: Kevork Djansezian/2012 Getty ImagesThe hand pose at the Golden Globes.
Photo: MLF/? Corbis. All Rights Reserved.From the side ...
Photo: Gero Breloer/? Corbis. All Rights Reserved.Does it go best with leather? Or lace?
Photo: ETTORE FERRARIA slight variation.
Photo: Eventpress Herrmann/? Corbis. All Rights Reserved.The hands distract from the ruffle.
Photo: DAN STEINBERG/? Corbis. All Rights Reserved.Fully laced together.
Photo: Carlos Alvarez/2012 Getty ImagesA pose? Or just a fidget?
Photo: Stephen Lovekin/2012 Getty ImagesThis is my right hand. Look at it.
Photo: Riccardo De Luca/? Corbis. All Rights Reserved.Oh, these little delicate bird hands? I was born with them, so that's what feels normal to me.
Photo: Stephane Cardinale/? Corbis. All Rights Reserved.Here, the hand pose in its most proper form.
Photo: Carlos Alvarez/2012 Getty ImagesLooking antsy.
Photo: Shizuo Kambayashi/? Corbis. All Rights Reserved.Statement ring, again.
Photo: Nancy Kaszerman/? Corbis. All Rights Reserved.The hand pose is a good way to call attention to cutouts.
Photo: Stuart Wilson/2011 Getty ImagesGoth-y lipstick, flowy dress, finger walking down her palm.
Photo: D Dipasupil/2011 Getty ImagesEven with a purse, her hands are itching to grasp each other.
Photo: Frank Trapper/? Corbis. All Rights Reserved.Clutching a purse, but still with the strained in-front-of-the-body posture.
Photo: Noel Vasquez/2010 Getty ImagesIt begins.
Photo: Malcolm Taylor/2009 Getty Images