Yahoo’s web series Burning Love, a comedic fictional reality dating show, is set to debut a third season next month that will bring back members of reunite its all-star cast. Created by Childrens Hospital writer Erica Oyama, Burning Love starred Ken Marino in Season 1 and June Diane Raphael in Season 2, which concluded this week. The third season, entitled “Burning Down the House,” will bring back favorites from the first two seasons and have them compete against each other for $900 cash instead of competing for love. Burning Love’s third season will kick off with three new episodes on April 12th, and a new episode will debut online daily beginning April 15th. The new season’s cast will feature Marino, Raphael, Michael Ian Black, Natasha Leggero, Joe Lo Truglio, Rob Huebel, Abigail Spencer, Ryan Hansen, Kumail Nanijani, Beth Dover, and a ton of other funny people and surprise guests.