Ryan Gosling Has a Secret Passion — Carrying Things
“I’ve been [acting] too much,” Ryan Gosling told the AP last week. “I’ve lost perspective on what I’m doing. I think it’s good for me to take a break and reassess why I’m doing it and how I’m doing it.” Sure, maybe Ryan, who stars in this upcoming weekend’s The Place Beyond the Pines, needs some time off to fine-tune his craft. Or maybe he’s taking a break to pursue his true passion, which is carrying things. Dry cleaning, coffee, artisanal cheese — if it needs to get from point A to point B, Ryan Gosling will carry it there in his manly hands. No messenger bags allowed. This is the Professional Carrying League.

Is he also carrying that necklace? In a sense, aren't we all carrying that necklace?
Photo: Todd G/John K / Splash News/Corbis
Books don't belong in a backpack. Books belong in your hand, out in the world, where everyone can see that you are reading them.
Photo: GSNY / Splash...Books don't belong in a backpack. Books belong in your hand, out in the world, where everyone can see that you are reading them.
Photo: GSNY / Splash News/Corbis
You might think those are fancy suits in there, but perhaps Ryan Gosling gets his scruffy undershirts and hoodies altered so they slouch just so.
Pho...You might think those are fancy suits in there, but perhaps Ryan Gosling gets his scruffy undershirts and hoodies altered so they slouch just so.
Photo: JLM / Splash News/Corbis
Hey, girl, get a bigger rag. You are filthy.
Photo: Splash News/Corbis
Join Ryan next semester in Advanced Carrying: How to Hold a Drink, Takeout, and Your Girlfriend's Hand All at the Same Time.
Photo: Tom Meinelt / Spl...Join Ryan next semester in Advanced Carrying: How to Hold a Drink, Takeout, and Your Girlfriend's Hand All at the Same Time.
Photo: Tom Meinelt / Splash News/Corbis
Well, now he's just showing off.
Photo: Doug Meszler / Splash News/? www.splashnews.com
Ryan Gosling is also available for weddings, as your flower girl.
Photo: Mejia / Asadorian / Splash News/? www.splashnews.com
That looks like takeout food and a bakery treat, perhaps. Ryan Gosling, treat procurer.
Photo: Tom Meinelt-Jason Winslow/Splash News/CorbisOoooh, Mr. Tough Guy.
Photo: Fixed Focal / Splash News/? www.splashnews.comThere's a possibility that is dog poop. Unfortunate. But at least he is a conscientious pet owner.
Photo: Todd G /fernandez / Splash News/CorbisWho is prettier: Ryan or this exotic bird?
Photo: Splash News/Cincinnati Zoo/CorbisAll that reading is thirsty work.
Photo: CelebrityJuicer/Splash News/CorbisStill reading. Reading and Carrying: The Ryan Gosling Story.
Photo: Splash News/CorbisOooh, Mr. Tough Guy, Part II.
Photo: Splash News/CorbisMaybe he is in a book club?
Photo: Johnstone/St. Clair/Splash News/CorbisBook clubs need cheese! And Ryan Gosling maybe needs a new pair of boots.
Photo: Sharpshooter Images / Splash/CorbisYou might think carrying a child is better than carrying cheese, but have you ever tried to put a child on a cracker?
Photo: KCSPresse / Splash News/...You might think carrying a child is better than carrying cheese, but have you ever tried to put a child on a cracker?
Photo: KCSPresse / Splash News/CorbisMore treats! Bring us some treats, Ryan Gosling.
Photo: Tom Meinelt-Jackson Lee/Splash/? www.splashnews.com