Netflix has announced that fifteen new episodes of Arrested Development will premiere at 12:01 a.m. PT on Sunday, May 26. That’s one more episode than the originally promised fourteen, and yes, they will all be made available at once. You may as well call off those Memorial Day weekend plans because now you’re busy. Said series creator-executive producer Mitch Hurwitz in a statement, “My simple wish for the show is coming true: that it be broadcast every second around the clock to every television, computer or mobile device in existence.”
That means, approximately, that there only 52 days left before we might see Tobias in his short shorts. 1,248 hours until Lucille does a creepy wink. 74,880 minutes before Gob reunites with Franklin. 4,492,800 seconds until Buster is neither seen nor heard… Bluths, we are ready.