Last night’s MTV Movie Awards sputtered along for two hours with a mix of underwritten bits and unenthused acceptance speeches. But then something odd happened: During Will Ferrell’s acceptance speech for the Comedic Genius Award, Aubrey Plaza just moseyed onstage and wordlessly tried to snatch his trophy. (Watch a video of what exactly went down, below.) Ferrell joked, “Aubrey Plaza, everyone — just like we rehearsed it.” But was it rehearsed? According to MTV News, it very much was not. Soon after she walked back to her seat, the show’s producers asked her to leave. But, we must ask, if it wasn’t planned, why the heck was she sitting in the front row? A bit too convenient for something that wasn’t rehearsed or planned, no? We suppose we’ll just have to trust that MTV News would only report the truth about the MTV Movie Awards.