
Never Mind: Michael Bay Is Not Sorry for Armageddon

 Director/producer Michael Bay attends the premiere of Paramount Pictures'
Photo: Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images

Yesterday, we posted a quote from Michael Bay seemingly apologizing for Armageddon. We assumed it was an apology because he said things like “I will apologize for Armageddon” and “I would redo the entire third act if I could.” However, word got back to Bay that people thought he was admitting fault, so he quickly wrote a post on his forum refuting these claims. He wrote, “I’m not in the slightest going to apologize for the third movie in my movie career, a film called Armageddon.” You can read it all below, but basically he argues that his words were taken out of context and really he just wishes he had more time to edit the thing. He ends by say: “Armageddon is still one of the most shown movies on cable TV. And yes, I’m proud of the movie. Enough said.” Enough said, indeed.

One press writer has gone too far in reporting false information. He has printed the bare minimum of my statement which in effect have twisted my words and meaning. I’m not in the slightest going to apologize for the third movie in my movie career, a film called Armageddon. On the red carpet for Pain & Gain some reporters asked me what are you apologizing for, and I said what on earth are you talking about? 

What I clearly said to the reporter, is I wish I had more time to edit the film, specifcally the the third act. He asked me in effect what would you change if you could in your movies if you could go back. I said, I wish we had a few more weeks in the edit room on Armageddon. And still today Armageddon, is still one of the most shown movies on cable TV. And yes, I’m proud of the movie. Enough said.


Michael Bay Is Not Sorry for Armageddon