Because they are very good at talking (and also because Atoms for Peace is touring this summer), Thom Yorke and Nigel Godrich did a delightful Rolling Stone Q&A in which they (really just Yorke) express confusion about all sorts of things. For example: “Who the fuck is Bruno Mars?” (That one’s Yorke.) And then here’s Yorke on D.J. culture: “I don’t understand it at all, and I find it really bonkers when, you know, like, a promoter in Ibiza is emailing us, saying, ‘Do you want to go?’ And I’m like, ‘No!’” There’s also an amusing Godrich bit about how David Guetta is the H&M of electronic music, some advice on how to choose a Tumblr name, and this bit of movie criticism from Yorke: “I saw Untouchable, the French movie – that’s really good, very funny. I didn’t really understand the one that won Best Picture, what was it?” Ben Affleck is so sad right now.