Something is rotten (and glitter-filled and glowing and dancing) in the state of Denmark. Hot off The Great Gatsby, director Baz Luhrmann has his sights set on Hamlet. Hamlet-Hamlet. Actual Hamlet! “Gatsby is the American Hamlet,” Luhrmann tells THR. “What else could we possibly do as a follow-up?” Yes, he’d want Leonardo DiCaprio, but no, the idea isn’t anything other than a vague dream at this point. After Hamlet, Gatsby, and Romeo + Juliet, maybe Luhrmann could tackle all of the other required reading from high school: Baz Luhrmann’s The Bluest Eye, perhaps. Or Baz Luhrmann’s Cat’s Cradle? Of Mice and Men? A collection of Flannery O’Connor stories? We’re just throwing out possibilities here.