Is Frank Ocean’s Smile the Best Smile?
What is it about Frank Ocean’s megawatt smile that makes it so arresting? Is it that his music is so wounded and soulful that we don’t expect to see that brief flicker of happiness? Are we thrown off guard because his smile’s so inviting and yet Frank’s so standoffish with the press? Or, more likely, is it just a damn good smile? Whatever the reason, Frank’s pearly whites are undeniable, and after he let them loose at the Met Ball this past week, we figured it was time to put together a collection of his best brilliant smiles, grouped one right after the other. Enjoy! (And don’t forget to brush.)

Photo: Steve Granitz/2013 Steve Granitz
Four out of five dentists agree: "Frank Ocean, marry us."

Even Frank Ocean swoons at the sheer wattage of his own smile, and must grab onto a nearby shoulder to steady himself.
Photo: Christopher Polk/2013 G...Even Frank Ocean swoons at the sheer wattage of his own smile, and must grab onto a nearby shoulder to steady himself.
Photo: Christopher Polk/2013 Getty Images
The sixteenth time you look at this picture, you'll finally notice that Frank is wearing glasses.

"Now you smile!"
Photo: Paul R. Giunta/? Corbis. All Rights Reserved.
He's as happy as you are that he's wearing a tux.
Photo: Steve Eichner/? Corbis. All Rights Reserved.
Oooh, the smile ~in motion~!

Frank Ocean's smile: a celebrity-pulling tractor beam.
Photo: Kevin Mazur/2013 Kevin MazurChandelier, you are not the shiniest, prettiest thing in this picture.
Photo: Dave M. Benett/2013 Dave M. BenettIf there were a Time "100" list of smiles, Frank would be No. 1.
Cuter than a dolphin.
Even in black and white, Frank's smile shines.
Cuter than a baby dolphin.
Photo: Jeff Vespa/2012 Jeff VespaCuter than a baby dolphin struggling to stay awake and adorably failing.