John Slattery, who has helmed a few great Mad Men episodes (including last Sunday’s terrific, eminently GIFable installment), will make his feature debut directing Philip Seymour Hoffman, Richard Jenkins, John Turturro, and his AMC co-star Christina Hendricks. Once you’ve stopped reeling at the idea of that cast, you may want to consider the film itself: It’s an adaptation of God’s Pocket, a Pete Dexter novel Slattery tackled for the screen alongside Alex Metcalf (An American Affair). The story takes place in the “blue-collar neighborhood of God’s Pocket, where the lead character tries to cover up his stepson’s death in a construction accident. When a local columnist comes sniffing around for the truth, things go from bad to worse.” In a GQ interview in early 2012, Slattery offhandedly mentioned adapting the book — it’s been in this correspondent’s Amazon wishlist ever since. Time to press Buy.