The Sexy Stares, Sultry Looks, and Eff-Me Eyes of Nashville
Nashville still has three more episodes before its finale, which means it’s theoretically possible there will be a tune that tops “Wrong Song” for the season. Unlikely, but possible. What is a sure bet, though, is that during every single song performance, the characters of Nashville will be eye-fucking each other like crazy. The show knows its way around a sexy stare, and with every twangy guitar chord and pop-inflected cymbal crash, two characters lock eyes with each other, stare deeply into one another’s souls, and telepathically communicate that they would like to engage in wild sex acts. (And in typical Nashville style, that sex scene will probably include a lingering shot of someone’s rippling back muscles.) For these purposes, we included instances where at least one of the oglers or ogle-ees was onstage in some capacity; otherwise, pretty much every scene from Nashville involves some serious sexy-staring back and forth. So many meaningful glances!

Rayna and Deacon are the queen and king of the onstage googly eyes.

Though Juliette can really throw down, too.

Even in the booth. That's some serious sex-face!

When she's offstage, Scarlett's habitual puppy-dog eyes and pouty-pout-pout lips radiate "I was born on a turnip truck!" When she's onstage ...
When she's offstage, Scarlett's habitual puppy-dog eyes and pouty-pout-pout lips radiate "I was born on a turnip truck!" When she's onstage with Gunnar, the same look screams "Let's get naughty." Also based on this stare alone, the crappy Avery never even stood a chance.

It's not that we want Deacon and Juliette to get together, but look at that meaningful glance! It practically melts clothing right off the body.

Why did Nashville try so hard to make Avery and Scarlett seem like a real thing? This is how they gaze at each other when he's onstage. Doomed!

Get a room, you two! At a recording studio. So you can lay down some sweet jams.

Hey, Avery, it's me, Gunnar, your girlfriend's attractive, sweet, doting, and talented collaborator. And this is just my normal facial expression, and...
Hey, Avery, it's me, Gunnar, your girlfriend's attractive, sweet, doting, and talented collaborator. And this is just my normal facial expression, and it has nothing to do with how much I want to sleep with her. Luckily your back is turned to us.
Nothing at all! This is just how platonic co-workers look.
"I'm glad my dad and husband are in the audience." "Me, too."
How much emoting can one person do in a recording booth? So much!
Nothing awkward about all sitting around and having a good old-fashioned jam session and eye-fuck bonanza.
If Juliette is always making sultry faces while she sings, Avery's the exact opposite. That's no way to romance people from the stage, pal.
They hate each other. But they need each other. And when they are onstage, they like to look at each other.
Not as much as everyone likes looking at Deacon, though.
Oh, Gunnar. Dopey, sad Gunnar. This is the exact aw-shucks, y'all think I'm cute? face that will launch a thousand Tumblrs.
Scarlett seems so green and so clueless and childlike 90 percent of the time. And then the other 10 percent of the time she's onstage, and it sort of ...
Scarlett seems so green and so clueless and childlike 90 percent of the time. And then the other 10 percent of the time she's onstage, and it sort of works.
At first, Liam seemed like kind of a douchelord, but then he redeemed himself.
Again, just two people with firm professional boundaries. And yes, that's what the kids are calling it these days.
Why did this last for so long? That is not how you gaze-bang each other.
That is how you gaze-bang each other.
Even no-name dancer dude in the striped sweater gets in on Juliette's performance vibes.
Gasp! He wants something more out of their relationship than onstage sexy staring contests. He wants in-bed sexy staring contests too. Forever.
He wants it bad.
Juliette does sexy-eyes with a backup guitarist. She's that good.
Although Rayna can stage-flirt with a fiddle-player, so even in this contest, Juliette comes in second.
Don't get too excited, Scarlett. You're not his type.
But Gunnar is.
Nashville wants us to root for Rayna and Deacon, and they seem like they'd be a good couple and all. But Rayna and Liam have insane chemistry. Insane.
...Nashville wants us to root for Rayna and Deacon, and they seem like they'd be a good couple and all. But Rayna and Liam have insane chemistry. Insane.