The Twenty Grisliest TV Death Scenes of the 2012-13 Season
If you felt that the television season that just ended pushed the envelope in the gore department, you aren’t alone. We created this slideshow of twenty grisly deaths both as a fitting eulogy to our Best of TV week and as a way to do our part in documenting the crazy, grody stuff they can get away with showing on television nowadays so that scientists in the future will be able to understand how awesome/not awesome we were circa 2012-13. While all twenty screen-grabs could easily have come from Spartacus: War of the Damned, or a mix of comparatively serener bloodbaths True Blood and The Walking Dead, we felt that it was necessary to take a broader snapshot, one that allowed us to include Bones. Because seriously, Bones is ridiculous. On to the gore!

Impelled by a text-message order, a female groupie of a hunky serial-killer cult leader removes a knife from her purse, then removes her dress, and th...
Impelled by a text-message order, a female groupie of a hunky serial-killer cult leader removes a knife from her purse, then removes her dress, and then delivers her own death blow by stabbing herself in the eye. Girl, you so crazy in love.
Photo: Moses, Jeanette
Nobody pushes Rick Grimes into a walker, especially not some little-seen human character in a wife-beater (the new redshirt?).
Photo: Moses, Jeanett...Nobody pushes Rick Grimes into a walker, especially not some little-seen human character in a wife-beater (the new redshirt?).
Photo: Moses, Jeanette
Bobby Cannavale's mob goon Gyp Rosetti takes the classic summertime prank of burying a schlub up to his neck in sand too far when he plays Whac-a-Mole...
Bobby Cannavale's mob goon Gyp Rosetti takes the classic summertime prank of burying a schlub up to his neck in sand too far when he plays Whac-a-Mole with an associate's head using a shovel. Gyp's dread pirate license is hereby revoked.
Photo: Moses, Jeanette
Sookie's been through a lot, but nothing a little Chinese food and bad TV can't fix. So, why'd you have to go and ruin her night, coroner-turned-vampi...
Sookie's been through a lot, but nothing a little Chinese food and bad TV can't fix. So, why'd you have to go and ruin her night, coroner-turned-vampire guy? Here's hoping she washes those chopsticks before returning to her moo shu pork.
Photo: Moses, Jeanette
A fellow police officer is found dead and throatless, his throat having been removed by a gigantic dog. The C.S.I. team initially looks to collar the ...
A fellow police officer is found dead and throatless, his throat having been removed by a gigantic dog. The C.S.I. team initially looks to collar the mutt for the murder but ultimately decides that the beast is guilty only of being a terrible dog.
Photo: Moses, Jeanette
A married couple gets their car stuck in a muddy ditch but their attempts to extract the vehicle are thwarted when the husband is splattered with a sh...
A married couple gets their car stuck in a muddy ditch but their attempts to extract the vehicle are thwarted when the husband is splattered with a shirtload of mud. Only, that's not mud! It's a dead-person's face! And now it's on his shirt! Gah!
Photo: Moses, Jeanette
Just because some maniac has slit this poor doctor's throat, drained his blood into an ice chest, sliced off his tongue and fashioned it into a makesh...
Just because some maniac has slit this poor doctor's throat, drained his blood into an ice chest, sliced off his tongue and fashioned it into a makeshift necktie doesn't mean he's a total monster. A note attached to the ice chest reads: “Please deliver to Red Cross.” See, he cares.
Photo: Moses, Jeanette
Who: Opie. Where: in prison. With what: lead pipe. They really need to make the Sons of Anarchy version of Clue.
Photo: Moses, JeanetteIf Talisa Stark had thought to read the George R.R. Martin books in advance of the Red Wedding, she would have known that 1) her name is actually Jeyn...
If Talisa Stark had thought to read the George R.R. Martin books in advance of the Red Wedding, she would have known that 1) her name is actually Jeyne, 2) she isn't actually pregnant with the unborn heir to Winterfell, and 3) she had legitimate reasons to decline the invitation. Why can't Talisa read?
Photo: Moses, JeanetteIf you'd just killed the evil Bloody Face (and really, is there any other kind of Bloody Face?) by stabbing him multiple times in the chest, and with ...
If you'd just killed the evil Bloody Face (and really, is there any other kind of Bloody Face?) by stabbing him multiple times in the chest, and with one of those orbitoclast doohickeys used to perform lobotomies, at that, you'd probably be pretty psyched, too. Well, until another (also evil) Bloody Face appears.
Photo: Moses, JeanetteThis co-ed and eight of her Greek sisters flaunt their ignorance of early MTV hits when they talk to a murderous stranger masquerading as a campu...
This co-ed and eight of her Greek sisters flaunt their ignorance of early MTV hits when they talk to a murderous stranger masquerading as a campus security guard and die ugly as a result. His name is Rick Springfield. Check into it.
Photo: Moses, JeanetteHow can a show about marauding Norsemen in the Middle Ages have so little gore? I mean, only one human-sacrifice scene where those crazy Scandana...
How can a show about marauding Norsemen in the Middle Ages have so little gore? I mean, only one human-sacrifice scene where those crazy Scandanavians hang a few folks upside down, slit their throats, and let them bleed out to appease the Norse gods? For shame!
Photo: Moses, JeanetteAn accountant for a shady mulching company inadvertently wanders into a no-accountant zone and pays the iron(ic) price: Death by mulcher. Those funera...
An accountant for a shady mulching company inadvertently wanders into a no-accountant zone and pays the iron(ic) price: Death by mulcher. Those funeral bills have to be deductible, right?
Photo: Moses, JeanetteDouble-barreled Grimm action! After examining two dead cows in a field, a farmer is surprised to find a fencepole protruding from his abdomen and a gl...
Double-barreled Grimm action! After examining two dead cows in a field, a farmer is surprised to find a fencepole protruding from his abdomen and a glowing-blue bad guy cackling at his misfortune. Don't rub it in, dude!
Photo: Moses, JeanetteLook, kids! It's a massive totem pole constructed entirely out of dead bodies! Ooh, and notice that the base seems to be made up of older kills and th...
Look, kids! It's a massive totem pole constructed entirely out of dead bodies! Ooh, and notice that the base seems to be made up of older kills and the top seems decidedly more recent! Did the killer have his latest victim watch while this masterpiece was constructed? Maybe! But at least that last guy died happy. I mean, who doesn’t appreciate public art? Am I right, kids?
Photo: Moses, JeanetteTwo homeless men are excited to smell something delicious cooking on an open fire nearby. Is it chicken? Is it pork? Nope, just flambéed human....
Two homeless men are excited to smell something delicious cooking on an open fire nearby. Is it chicken? Is it pork? Nope, just flambéed human. Those guys never catch a break.
Photo: Moses, JeanetteWe think that's detective Angel "Mr. Hat" Batista examining the charred remains of some dead, burned guy. But it might also be a shot-for-sh...
We think that's detective Angel "Mr. Hat" Batista examining the charred remains of some dead, burned guy. But it might also be a shot-for-shot remake of the "Thriller" video.
Photo: Moses, JeanetteDaryl crushes the head of a walker by slamming closed the trunk door of a hatchback at the precise moment. What, is your seemingly unlimited crossbow ...
Daryl crushes the head of a walker by slamming closed the trunk door of a hatchback at the precise moment. What, is your seemingly unlimited crossbow quiver finally empty?
Photo: Moses, JeanetteAfter Eric and Nora drink the blood of the all-powerful vampire diety Lilith (long story), they see their vampire "father" Godric materializ...
After Eric and Nora drink the blood of the all-powerful vampire diety Lilith (long story), they see their vampire "father" Godric materialize and then Lilith herself. She proceeds to make god fodder out of Godric by ripping his throat open and tearing off his head. Oh, that zany Lilith!
Photo: Moses, JeanetteA trombone player in the Baltimore orchestra is found on stage with his neck sliced open and wedged apart using the neck of a cello. It appears that h...
A trombone player in the Baltimore orchestra is found on stage with his neck sliced open and wedged apart using the neck of a cello. It appears that his vocal cords have been played like strings. And we're guessing it was probably the key of C, because C stands for cray cray.
Photo: Moses, Jeanette