It brings us special joy to write “the rumors were true” when it comes to today’s news that Community creator Dan Harmon is coming back to the little sitcom that could next season. Harmon, who more or less let the cat out of the bag earlier this week, tweeted today, “Yes yes yes! I’m back I’m back I’m back. You can thank @joelmchale.” (He soon thanks the rest of the cast, too.) Really though, the credit goes to Twitter user @dpeanutbutter, who got the big reveal by asking what we’d all been thinking: “GIVE US A STRAIGHT ANSWER!” While Harmon’s tweet didn’t clarify what his role on season five would be, The Hollywood Reporter says he’ll be returning as showrunner. After so much strife and waiting around, we want to believe that this move might just restore Community to its former glory. Also, does his return mean that Chevy is also coming back? Questions for another day — go get yourself a yard-marg to celebrate!