
Dan Harmon Apologizes for Sh*tting on Community Season Four

Dan Harmon attends the DETAILS Hollywood Mavericks Party held at Soho House on November 29, 2012 in West Hollywood, California.
Photo: Jason Merritt/Getty Images

Yesterday, we told you that Dan Harmon finally got around to watching the fourth season of Community. And boy, did he not like it. So much so that he ranted about it for a while on the most recent episode of his “Harmontown” podcast. With quotes like “It is very much like an impression, and an unflattering one. It’s just thirteen episodes of ‘Oh, I’m Dan Harmon! Derpy, derpy, durr! Die Hard! Durrrrr!’” And “It’s like flipping through Instagrams and watching your girlfriend just blow a million [other guys].” He tried to apologize on Twitter, but apparently it wasn’t enough because he wrote a 1,600-word blog post thoroughly apologizing and acknowledging the he was just “indulging [his] petty feelings about being left out.”

He specifically addresses each offended party. First were the fans “that got paid nothing to stick by Community and get us to a fifth season only to hear the incoming showrunner say some stuff that felt very un-Community.” Harmon continued: “What I said was disrespectful to your love for this show, love that I sometimes erroneously equate with validation of me as a person.”

To the cast and crew, he acknowledges it was “dishonest to imply” their work was “as hard to watch as my family being assaulted.” Adding: “I was riffing and tried to turn darkness into levity through shock and hyperbole.”

Lastly, he apologizes to the season’s writers, for pooping on their work, as he puts it. “You had to do something nobody should have to attempt, and you had the option of doing it the lazy way or the sellout way and you clearly did what you did because you were thinking of the fans.”

The note ends saying he has to go back to work: “Now I’m going to get back to conceptualizing with the writers about season 5 and, I hope, achieve a heightened level of actual empathy in the bargain.”

Dan Harmon Sorry for Mocking Community Season 4