No one is perfect, and that includes your loyal Song of Summer stewards at Vulture, who forgot to include Robin Thicke’s excellent “Blurred Lines” in our original 2013 roundup. Our bad! It totally slipped our minds. But on the occasion of its entrance into the Billboard “Top 10,” we would like to rectify this situation. “Blurred Lines” is currently the No. 6 song in the country; it has one of the best videos of the year (even the SFW version — less nudity means more charming T.I. dance moves); and if anything is going to unseat “Get Lucky,” it might as well be another Pharrell song. Consider it.
Another valid but overlooked contender, in the Indie Category: Vampire Weekend’s “Diane Young.” Or “Ya Hey,” if you want, but everyone loves a saxophone bong.
It would be irresponsible to have a Song of Summer conversation this week without also mentioning “We Can’t Stop,” Miley’s ode to molly. Where are people on this? It has the party-hard carefree summer vibe going for sure, but it also seems a little too laid back, like a comedown song. There’s also the question of the chorus: Where did it go? Why did Miley stop writing before she finished it?
One more while we’re at it: Let’s go ahead and throw Major Lazer’s “Bubble Butt” in the mix. Not that it will actually win, but this video deserves a moment. (As long as you are not at work. Do not watch this at work.)
Okay, everybody meet back here when the Kanye album leaks. Happy summer-ing!