clear eyes blond hair

Breaking: Taylor Kitsch Is Blond and Wearing Suspenders

Taylor Kitsch throws a camera out the window while shooting 'The Normal Heart' in SoHo, NYC.<P>Pictured: Taylor Kitsch<P><B>Ref: SPL560102 110613 </B><BR/>Picture by: Splash News<BR/></P><P><B>Splash News and Pictures</B><BR/>Los Angeles:	310-821-2666<BR/>New York:	212-619-2666<BR/>London:	870-934-2666<BR/><BR/></P>
Photo: Splash News/

If you are anything like the staffers of Vulture, then the above headline will cause you some minor distress. No, you might think to yourself, Tim Riggins is not blond. Tim Riggins does not wear tweed. Tim Riggins is still in Texas. But be brave, Panther fans, and dare to actually look at the photos – taken on the set of The Normal Heart, Ryan Murphy’s adaptation of the Larry Kramer novel about the AIDS crisis in New York City – because Taylor Kitsch looks so happy as a blond. He’s grinning! And learning about photography! What more could you want for Riggins?

Photo: Splash News/?
Taylor Kitsch Is Blond and Wearing Suspenders