In the upcoming biopic Lovelace, Sharon Stone stars as mom to Deep Throat porn legend Linda Lovelace. But what does Stone actually know about Deep Throat — or porn in general? Nothing. She hadn’t seen Deep Throat prior to making Lovelace, she told us at a Cinema Society screening last night. (“Why would I?”) And she hasn’t seen it since. “I have never seen a pornographic film,” she added. Seriously? “Yes.” Peter Sarsgaard, who plays Lovelace’s husband, on the other hand, has watched porn. And he has some thoughts.
“The only kind of pornography that has ever held an interest for my mind, for any length of time — because pornography by its very nature is kind of just momentary — is Scandinavian pornography,” he said. “It’s always very beautiful. They filmed it, and they had a kind of flair. I remember seeing … I think her name was Seka. She wouldn’t have sex very much, it would all just be kind of like, Seka, being awesome. Very shabby-chic, also. Yeah, kind of like, fairy. Shabby-chic fairy.” Is this porn contemporary? (Where can we find it?) “No, it’s old. It’s old, so it feels okay to watch. [Laughs.] Because I think a lot of pornography now is just so brutal, unbelievably brutal. And I know it probably was back in the time that I have a memory of it being not brutal, in its own way it is. But now it’s like, so obvious that it’s not — I don’t know what it’s for. There’s not too many people making love doing porn these days.” Seka needs a comeback.