Did you watch the MTV Video Music Awards? They were pretty intense. We had performances from the likes of Miley, Drake, Kanye, Bruno, Katy and Gaga. We had an ‘N Sync reunion. We had a red carpet stretching all the way down Brooklyn’s Dean Street. It was one for the record blogs. And just in case you are overwhelmed and need a quick recap of what went on, here’s all you need to know. In GIF form. (Because we know no other way!)
Gaga started the show off with her typical weirdness.

And the Smith Family was like:

But, honestly, no one out-weirded Miley tonight. Here’s a quick rundown:

Taylor was there. MTV did not want you to forget it. They cut to her literally every five minutes.

But perhaps, the VMAs biggest winner was Justin Timberlake. His career-spanning medley was the show’s longest performance.

AND HE REUNITED ‘N SYNC. (*cue tears*)

(And won Video of the Year. For “Mirrors.”)

Kanye did his darkest “Blood on the Leaves.”

Drake animated his own album cover.

And Katy Perry ended the show by fighting a boxing match under the Brooklyn Bridge.

Game Over.