On Friday night, HBO released Jay Z’s “Picasso Baby” video, which was famously filmed while Hova performed the song for six straight hours for a crowd of art world residents, regular celebrities, and cool-looking civilians at Chelsea’s Pace Gallery last month. Among the more recognizable names and faces in the final cut are Marina Abramović, Judd Apatow, Marilyn Minter, George Condo, Alan Cumming, Fab Five Freddy, Jim Jarmusch, Jemima Kirke, Jenna Lyons, Glenn O’Brien, Rosie Pérez, Cynthia Rowley, Wale, Michael K. Williams, Adam Driver, Dustin Yellin, actual Picasso baby Diana Widmaier Picasso, and our own Jerry Saltz. Everyone seemed to have a decent — if occasionally awkward — time, but the most interesting part of the 8-minute production is probably listening to the voiceover of Jay comparing concerts and performance art, and watching Abramović’s genuine enthusiasm for the project throughout.