Ireland Baldwin, daughter of Alec and Kim*, model, Lil Wayne fan, and eldest Baldwin child, hijacked her father’s controversial Twitter account — @ABFalecbaldwin, not @AlecBaldwin, which doesn’t seem to be in use at the moment — Monday night to post a series of bizarre selfies, some of which included a spoon. The five photos begin without caption and end with a Taxi Driver reference, after which the 6’2” model (who just last night accompanied Jack Donaghy Papa Baldwin to the Emmys) sent out the following message:
While BuzzFeed calls the close-ups “odd” and wonders ”What’s with the spoon?” we think they’re just the kind of thing a 17-year-old with access to her father’s phone would do. It just so happens that this 17-year-old is the offspring of two very famous parents, one of whom already has his own contentious relationship with the 140-character medium.
If you’d like to see more of Ireland in her element, you can follow her on her own Twitter account here.
* This post has been corrected to say that Ireland’s mother is Kim Basinger, not Christie Brinkley. We regret the impression that all ex-wives of famous Long Islanders are interchangeable.