Are you certified fresh or rotten? Can you hear a film’s title and immediately come up with its Rotten Tomato score? You may think you know what the general consensus was on Love, Actually, but that tricky Tomatometer can often fool you.
To test your cinematic wits, we’ve created a Rotten Tomatoes Game. Use our handy slider to estimate the film’s Rotten Tomato percentage, and for each film, you’ll get scored on the difference between your guess and the movie’s actual percentage. At the end, we’ll tally up your score, and the lower you get, the better. You must offer a guess on every movie. It’s just like golf! Last time we tested your summer movie knowledge, but how well do you know the scores of these 20 romantic comedies?* (Also of note, Rotten Tomatoes was launched in 1998, so our selections start then.)
*Well, 19, since as two commenters pointed out: The Notebook isn’t a rom-com. Guess we just found it hilarious.