
Watch Pink Act in This Exclusive Thanks for Sharing Clip

When you’ve got two stars from The Avengers (Mark Ruffalo and Gwyneth Paltrow) headlining your sex addiction dramedy, it’s fair to expect them to soak up most of the spotlight, but look beyond those two Marvel contract players and you’ll find an interesting surprise in Thanks for Sharing, out September 20: One of Ruffalo’s fellow sex addicts is played by Alecia Moore, whom you may know better by her nom du pop, Pink. Her first scene in the movie is a seriously impressive bit of monologuing about her own addiction to getting it on; later, accompanied by new friend Josh Gad (who’s also in recovery), she’s learned to transmute her desire for physical intimacy into a session of “ecstatic dancing,” which you can check out in this exclusive clip. She’s got moves, that one.

Watch Pink Act in This Thanks for Sharing Clip