For his turn in 12 Years a Slave, Michael Fassbender is a front-runner for an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor, but he can’t get himself to care. As he tells GQ, he’s over the campaigning, after pushing himself really hard for Shame, only to not even be nominated. “Everybody’s got to do their job. So you try and help and facilitate as best you can. But I won’t put myself through that kind of situation again.” He continues, “It’s just a grind. And I’m not a politician. I’m an actor.” To make it impossible to campaign, he scheduled the version of Macbeth he’s producing and starring in to start shooting in New Zealand later this month. He also spends part of the profile saying that he should “get [money] out of the bank[s]”and instead invest in “some gold.” Michael, aren’t you aware of what is consistently actors’ top source for gold?