Sunday’s episode of The Good Wife turned the core relationships of the show upside down and inside out — none more so than Will and Alicia’s. The two former college friends, co-workers, and sometime-lovers became adversaries. So when we ran into Josh Charles at Celebrity Charades last night (an annual benefit for the LAByrinth Theater Company), we had to ask him about what to expect next. “I don’t think he’s going to go cry in his pillow,” Charles laughed. “I think he’s really reinvigorated by it, by the betrayal. He’s going to take the hit and come back stronger.”
Promising “an intense next few episodes,” Charles said that Alicia’s betrayal hurt Will more than Diane’s, because of “all the unsolved personal aspects of their relationship.” But maybe Alicia’s leaving wasn’t personal; maybe Will no longer being her boss makes a real relationship a possibility down the road, we suggested. “He’s not there right now,” Charles said. “He may not understand this move … but I think he may one day be able to look at it and see it for what it is and maybe acknowledge that maybe it wasn’t the dumbest thing to do. But right now, he’s not analyzing that. He’s driven by anger and rage.” So how about some hate sex for Will and Alicia as they sort out how they really feel about each other? “Possibly!” Charles said. “Okay. All Right. You need to tell the writers that one! You tell them.”