Party Lines Slideshow: Gravity Edition
George Clooney, charming silver fox that he is, is known for playing pranks on other celebrities. Back in 1996, for example, he teamed up with Tom Cruise to pull one over on Sandra Bullock: The guys pretended they were going to jump in a pool with her — they were at Joel Schumacher’s house for his birthday party — but instead they let go of her hands and pushed her into the water. “Now, that happened in 1996!” Clooney told us at the Gravity premiere this week. “She’s going to have to let that go!” Or not. As Bullock replied, “He wants me to get over it, but ask George when he’s gotten over a prank played on him. Never! He’ll spend every hour of his day plotting. I’m not plotting, I’m not giving it any weight, but should a very public occasion arise where retaliation seems appropriate and most humiliating, I will take advantage of it.” For more from the red carpet, click through our slideshow.

Would you go into space? “I would. The idea of weightless has always seemed fun to me. Although I hear you go to the bathroom a lot when you're w...
Would you go into space? “I would. The idea of weightless has always seemed fun to me. Although I hear you go to the bathroom a lot when you're weightless. So I'd just be peeing myself and upsetting everybody else.”
Photo: Harel Rintzler/? Patrick McMullan

Would you go into space? “It's terrifying, never. Unless you look younger in space? Oh God, does everything firm up?”
Photo: Harel Rintzler/? P...Would you go into space? “It's terrifying, never. Unless you look younger in space? Oh God, does everything firm up?”
Photo: Harel Rintzler/? Patrick McMullan

Apparently you played rap music for Sandra Bullock when she was shooting in the light box? “‘Rapper's Delight.’ You gotta go Sugar Hill Gang, you got...
Apparently you played rap music for Sandra Bullock when she was shooting in the light box? “‘Rapper's Delight.’ You gotta go Sugar Hill Gang, you gotta go old-school if you're going to be up in the air like that.”
Photo: Harel Rintzler/? Patrick McMullan

George Clooney blasted rap music on set? “When George arrived, it was like the party arrived, so the music had to follow suit.”
Photo: Harel Rintzle...George Clooney blasted rap music on set? “When George arrived, it was like the party arrived, so the music had to follow suit.”
Photo: Harel Rintzler/? Patrick McMullan
Would you go into space? “Who wouldn't want to go into space? The goal is not to be alone and floating in space. I don't think they planned on that.”...
Would you go into space? “Who wouldn't want to go into space? The goal is not to be alone and floating in space. I don't think they planned on that.”
Photo: Harel Rintzler/? Patrick McMullanWould you go into space? “If I got to do it with Alfonso Cuarón, I would.”
Photo: Harel Rintzler/? Patrick McMullan