See How Today’s TV Kids Have Aged
One odd byproduct of watching a show over the course of many seasons is seeing its cast age. And when that cast includes kids, it’s even more jarring: When did he get so big? And when you get used to their current height and voice depth, going back and rewatching an episode from the first season of one of these shows could cause a more sentimental person to get a little choked up. Oh! She used to be a baby! Cue up “Sunrise, Sunset,” and let’s take a journey with some of today’s TV kids, to see how much they’ve grown since the first seasons of their shows.

Sally Draper has grown up to be a salty, sulky teen, but when the show started, Sally was celebrating her sixth birthday. Time flies when you're being...
Sally Draper has grown up to be a salty, sulky teen, but when the show started, Sally was celebrating her sixth birthday. Time flies when you're being ignored by the people who are supposed to love and care for you!

Glen Bishop started out as the tragic little boy in love with Betty Draper. He grew up to be, well, another sulky teen like Sally.

I guess on a show literally about raising a baby, you expect that baby to grow up. But still! Eeeee! Look how big she got!!

Luke Dunphy, now about a foot taller than when the show started.

Manny may be older, but he still likes a button-down.

Alex's fashion sense too has remained in the flannel-over-a-t-shirt family, though she seems to have ditched the hats.

I don't remember growing older / When did they?

Poor Carl. Poor, chronically unsupervised, matricidal Carl.
Arya Stark has been through some serious shit — traumas that would force anyone to have to grow up. But she has also, you know, grown up.
Jake Harper shouldn't count as a half man anymore. Dude is grown.
Chris Brody: Television's most ignored character.
Jabbar is probably the most together character on this entire show.