Splitsider Announcement: We’ve Turned Off Our Comments Section

As of this week, Splitsider has its comments section turned off by default. We still have the ability to turn the comments on for select posts — our SNL reviews tend to get good comments, for example — but for the vast majority of posts, we will no longer be accepting comments.

Why? A couple of reasons. For one, we’ve never had much of a commenting community to begin with. Unlike sites about politics or social matters, people don’t seem to have much to say about comedy news. And when we do get comments, much of the time they’re either offensive or just without any real substance. We put a lot of work into the content on this site, and it’s frustrating to have folks finish reading an article only to be confronted with mean-spirited garbage at the bottom of the page. Furthermore, we’re a small team without the time and energy to dedicate to policing and cleaning up comments. So we’re getting rid of them. And I’ll be honest, it feels pretty great.

If you have things to say about our features, I invite you to comment on them on our Facebook page, where many of our daily posts are linked. Or you can comment using your own Twitter account, Tumblr, or whatever social media account you’d like to use. And our email line is always open if you have specific feedback. Thanks for reading, and thanks for bearing with us through this adjustment.

Splitsider Announcement: We’ve Turned Off Our Comments […]