The most notable thing Jennifer Lawrence said this week is something you couldn’t even hear properly: It’s whatever she whispered to that fan in a wheelchair at the Hunger Games premiere, a moment that went so viral that you would have thought J. Law clasped her hands to the girl’s legs like a shamanistic healer, giving her the power to leave her wheelchair and stand confidently on her own two feet for the first time. Perhaps that’s the power of a good conversation with Jennifer Lawrence — and to investigate her restorative properties, we’ve rounded up some of the best quotes we’ve heard from J. Law this week after several days of arduous promo for The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. Enjoy!
Despite a contract with Dior, Jennifer Lawrence is not buying her own hype:
“I really would not call myself a fashion icon. I would call myself somebody who gets dressed by professionals. [It’s like], ‘Dance, monkey, dance’ right on the red carpet.’ I would call me more of a monkey.”
On the difference between fighting with boys and girls:
“My brothers and I would scream at each other, and we’d be like, ‘I hate you! You’re so stupid! You’re ugly!’ And then five minutes later it would be, ‘I love you.’ … Girls are so imaginative, so good at getting to the warped place and really just taking someone apart surgically. A girl will tell you: ‘Your arms are flabby.’ Oh my God! Don’t go for the arms!”
What Jennifer Lawrence immediately replies with when a reporter asks to be her best friend:
“What’s your favorite channel on TV? Like, the first one that you click on when you turn on the TV?” (The reporter meekly says, “Travel.”) “Pfft, no. No.” (The reporter then offers her a candy bracelet.) “Yay! Okay, now I’ll be your BFF. Now we’re best friends.”
On her antipathy toward exercise:
“Nothing can motivate me. During Hunger Games, when I was eating ungodly amounts, I used to tell myself, Stop eating — people are going to see this. This is going to be around forever. But nope! I was like, I still want candy, and I still want a hot dog! And then X-Men started and I thought, Oh, definitely — I’ll be naked, I’ll make myself work out and diet. But nope. Not me!”
Why the wetsuit she wore in Catching Fire exceeded her expectations:
“I was surprised at how little camel toe problem there was. I was expecting a lot more.”
Why she doesn’t mind it when you praise her new haircut:
“I’m like a cat back from the groomer’s, where I’m so insecure. I need as much positive reinforcement as I can get.”
Speaking of insecurity:
“I have two friends that are avid Googlers. They basically do what I would do if I didn’t have the self-esteem. They’re like, ‘What is everybody saying about Jennifer?’ It’s sweet; they care. When my Dior photos came out, I hadn’t seen them so they looked them up on whatever website with all these comments, and I saw the comments and I was like, ‘I can’t stop myself!’ I started scrolling and it was like, ‘She’s so conceited!’ ‘She’s a pig and I hope she dies!’”
She knows that she’s courting a backlash:
“I feel like I’m becoming way too much and need to calm the hell down and stepping back … everybody is very fickle. They like me now, but I’m going to get really annoying really fast. Just watch.”
But here’s a funny story that J. Law was telling at an AFI party I went to last Friday:
“My therapist said it would be good if for every hour, I tried to be quiet for five minutes. But I couldn’t really hear what she was saying because I was talking.”