The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug was this year’s most popular post-Christmas movie: The second installment of Peter Jackson’s second trilogy hauled in $29.9 million over weekend, topping the box office for a third time in a row and bringing its global total to $614.1 million. (The domestic tally is now at $190.3 million.) Disney’s family-friendly Frozen took second place with $28.8 million. The movie has earned $248.3 million in North America and $491.9 million worldwide in the six weekends it’s been out. Anchorman 2 fell to third place with $20.2 million for the weekend, leaving it with a domestic total of $83.7 million. Finally, two films about sleazy ways to make money rounded occupied fourth and fifth place: American Hustle earned $19.6 million for its second wide release weekend, while Wolf of Wall Street debuted with $18.5 million.