The Fox network is making some major changes to how they develop new shows this season, and it could be part of a trend that finds the other broadcast networks following suit.
Fox chairman Kevin Reilly announced today that the network will no longer be running on the “pilot season” schedule that all major networks have been using for decades now. Under that old system, networks ordered dozens of pilots of potential shows each spring before selecting just a few to turn into series in the fall. Instead, Fox will be developing shows year-round and giving straight to series orders instead of wasting a ton of resources and money on pilots that never make it to air.
“RIP pilot season, 1986-2013,” he joked in his speech, before explaining, “The broadcast development system was built in different era and is highly inefficient. It is nothing short of a miracle that talent can still produce anything of quality in that environment.” Fox has not given a pilot order to a single show this season and gave a straight-to-series order to Mulaney, a sitcom from SNL writer/standup John Mulaney. Reilly did clarify that his plan to “bypass” pilot season will affect dramas more than comedies as he feels comedy pilots are necessary for testing cast chemistry and plans to order a few comedy pilots this season.