Chris Pratt recently confirmed that he would star as Jurassic World’s rugged male lead, telling QMI Agency that the original film was like his “Star Wars.” Last night, at a Cinema Society screening of The Lego Movie, in which Pratt voices the hero, a mini-construction-worker Lego (adorable), we asked him to elaborate. “It was just right in my wheelhouse as a kid. I think every kid loves dinosaurs, and I sure did.” How would he rank the dinosaurs, then? Because Vulture really has opinions on the matter. “Oh man. Jurassic Park really turned me into a velociraptor fan,” he said. (Ding, ding, ding! Same here.) “I’m a fan of the carnivorous dinosaurs. Before that it was probably the T-Rex. But I think after, I become a velociraptor fan. They’re like the wolves of dinosaurs, they hunt in packs. They’re really badass.” Exactly.