AMC announced today that Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg officially will be writing and executive producing Preacher, an adaptation of the celebrated Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon graphic novel series. The deal was rumored last fall, but finally came through today. Preacher tells the story of Jesse Custer, a Texas preacher who is accidentally possessed by a creature named Genesis, which is what happens when an angel and demon get together. As a result, Custer is composed of pure evil and pure goodness, making him possibly the most powerful being in existence — more powerful than God. With the help of a vampire and his marksman ex-girlfriend, Custer goes on a mission to find God, who had recently abandoned heaven, Custer goes on a mission to find God, who had recently abandoned heaven. Sounds pretty intense. But don’t worry, in Rogen and Goldberg’s adaptation, he’ll sometimes use his power to create super-potent weed that makes him like crazy high.