Shia LaBeouf, who last drew attention to himself by head-butting a stranger in a London bar, threw a little fit at a Berlin press conference for Nymphomaniac on Saturday. While it is impossible to be certain about what goes on in the mind of LaBeouf, it seems that he was unhappy he had to answer a reporter’s basic question about what it was like to do a movie with so many sex scenes. “When the seagulls follow the trawler, it’s because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea,” responded the actor, who was dressed in “a filthy truckers’ cap, a hoodie and purple socks” and is now missing one of his lower teeth. “Thank you very much.” He then walked out of the room as his “stunned” fellow panelists — including Christian Slater, Stacy Martin, Stellan Skarsgård, and Uma Thurman — looked on.
It turns out that LaBeouf did not come up with the “sardines” line himself, because that’s just not what he’s about these days. The words belong to French soccer player Eric Cantona, who used them during a press conference to discuss his 1995 suspension for getting into a physical fight with a fan. The Hollywood Reporter notes that LaBeouf lunged at three men who tried to take his picture at a hotel on Saturday night. We are sure the actor, who has also been repeatedly tweeting “I AM NOT FAMOUS ANYMORE” for a couple weeks now, welcomes your interpretations of his tantrum art.
Update: Here is what LaBeouf wore to Nymphomaniac’s Berlin Film Festival premiere: