Good news for Wonder Years purists: The show is finally coming to DVD with its extensive soundtrack totally intact. The show’s been on Netflix streaming for a while now, but with different music, which does detract from Kevin and Winnie’s overall vibes. For a long time there, it seemed like TWY would never be rereleased — but that was the conventional thinking around China Beach and L.A. Law, and now those series are available, too.
And yet there are still so very many shows yet to be released on DVD or on streaming. Where’s the Civil Rights drama I’ll Fly Away? That was a weird little treasure on the NBC lineup in 1991, and yet somehow the show has never been rereleased. Where are seasons two through seven of The Practice? That show was huge! Ed? People loved Ed. Sisters? Sela Ward won an Emmy on that show, and yet there is no way to rewatch it. Viva Variety? If you think Adult Swim shows have a loopy weird sensibility, recall this late-’90s gem — except you can’t, because it’s not available. The list goes on and on. What’s your favorite show that’s never been rereleased? For what late lamented series do you hold out hope?