There’s still very little information about what Jurassic World will be about, but director Colin Trevorrow did share a few tidbits with IGN today. First, Chris Pratt’s character is “a classic hero in a very modern context,” Trevorrow says. “Like Malcolm, Grant and Sattler, he’s an expert in a scientific field that’s connected to our story,” he says. Not that Malcolm, Grant, or Sattler will be making appearances. But one character from the original book and movie will: Dr. Henry Wu. Trevorrow says BD Wong will be reprising his role as one of Jurassic Park’s lead scientists.
He had a much larger role in the original novel, he was the engineer of this breakthrough in de-extinction. He spent two decades living in Hammond’s shadow, underappreciated. We think there’s more to his story.
Like, for example, what was he erasing on his clipboard in the original movie? Could that have saved everything?