“Six Seasons and a movie” has been Community’s mantra since its second season, a time when it seemed completely impossible. Years have passed — Dan Harmon got fired and rehired — and now we are near it actually happening. TV Guide reports that, though it is still early, a sixth season and movie are being discussed. Community might not be getting the best ratings, but as Josef Adalian pointed out earlier this month, lower ratings across the board for sitcoms make niche comedies with loyal audiences more valuable. TV Guide also says that if NBC does pass on another season, Sony, the studio that owns Community, would likely push very hard to get it one somewhere else, like Hulu.
And what about the movie? Dan Harmon seems very committed to the idea, telling HitFix, “If the movie has to be made out of clay and duct tape in my basement, then that’s how the movie will be made, because there has to be closure.” We aren’t at that point yet, as TV Guide says that Justin Lin, director of a few Fast & Furious movies and noteworthy Community episodes, has already been considered. Though an all duct tape and clay Community movie sounds pretty amazing and like something Harmon would finish right before being institutionalized.