Remember that “Pure Imagination” cover Fiona Apple did for Chipotle? According to the company, Frank Ocean signed up to do one, too — to the tune of $212,500 up front (and another $212,500 after he was finished). When Ocean decided against it (he claimed they promised he was promoting “responsible farming,” not the Chipotle brand directly, and that he would have “full approval” of the master), the restaurant chain sued him for the advance plus any legal fees. Not one to let matters lie, Frank just posted the payback check on his Tumblr with the memo: “FUCK OFF” — in case it was at all unclear how he felt about the legal dispute.

That’s not to say Frank’s done with brands altogether. Just this morning, Ocean dropped a song with Diplo, Mick Jones, and Paul Simonon that is featured on a Converse compilation album.