Six season and a movie? How about ten seasons and a $100 million dollar movie, and that’s just George R.R. Martin spitballing here. The Game of Thrones creator discussed his cinematic hopes with The Hollywood Reporter on Wednesday night after the New York premiere of GoT’s season four. “Do we run for seven years? Do we run for eight? Do we run for 10? The books get bigger and bigger (in scope),” Martin mused. “It might need a feature to tie things up, something with a feature budget, like $100 million for two hours. Those dragons get real big, you know.” The author also suggested a film based on his GoT prequel series Tales of Dunk and Egg. Speaking of dunk, it seems pretty clear George R.R. Martin is trying to dunk on J.R.R. Tolkien’s entire career, and we could not be more excited to see how it plays out.