Yesterday brought a largely information-less teaser for the new season of Mad Men. Today, the poster. Recall that season six’s poster was the illustration of Don looking at maybe himself, season five was Don’s reflection between two mannequins, season four was Don staring out the window of an empty office, season three was Don sitting in a chair while the waters rose around him, season two was Don in Grand Central, and season one was just the iconic Don silhouette. Season seven is definitely the most psychedelic — and it comes from famed designer Milton Glaser. (You might recognize his work: He co-founded New York Magazine in 1968, designed the “I ♥ NY” logo, and created the famous Bob Dylan poster of the silhouette with colorful hair, among many, many other things.) What can we learn from the poster? Well, as always on Mad Men, women and alcohol are the main objects of Don’s attention.